Food and Beverage
Food and Beverage
Sometimes a small innovation can make a big difference. In poultry plants and other food service work environments, for example, there may be a lot of people with access to the valves that control flow of liquids. One client had a problem with workers removing the handles. The workers said the handles were in the way. Unfortunately, handles got lost or mislaid and workers used wrenches and pliers to turn the valves. Once the stems were rounded off, the valves had to be replaced. New valve costs combined with hourly labor rates were creating unacceptable operating expenses.
Instead of trying to police the workers’ behavior, get everyone fully informed about all possible ramifications, or put signs all over the plant, Vertz brought in a new type of valve.
Resilient Seated Butterfly Valve
We at Vertz know valves, strainers, and other flow control products well and we work with our customers to find the best solutions for their needs.
Let us help you plan and implement the solutions that will suit your business best.
Steam Trap
 Steam Trap